Glosso.. |
I have kept aquariums for a number of years. In the earlier days I never really had the patience to add personel touches or study layouts prior to start up. Hence it usually was lifeless to look at and a rush affair to get those fish badly wanted into that aquarium as quick as possible. So as soon as all the parameters were well sorta ok ;) hehe. that was it...finito the fish were thrown in and that was that.
Now, many years later and after a few years of experience with saltwater settups, I have come back full circle. Back to basics ..or is it basic? Well lets find out..
With so many settups to browse on the internet as a source for inspiration (which one can study endlessly and never actually get anywhere). I decided to take it nice and easy. Piece by piece was being created in my head. Also other blogs and settups were very helpfull to get me started on what I hoped was setting me on the right track. I decided to go with a very basic, uncluttered and minimalistic layout. This way I can improvise and add on further rocks or roots as it matures. I decided to not get to entangled in all the details like water parameters, kelvin, what gravel to use etc.. but use common sense and what experience I had. Educate yourself as you go along , read, and be focused, read, plan, read, make your own opinoins but take your time and be persistent. Usually the answers will come to you. oh and did I mention read?
Money. Yes that issue. Well I tried my best to cut costs. But didnt want to cut corners either. Purchasing good deals for certain items by having patience actually resulted in quite some low cost high quality equipment. Example.. my Pressurized CO2 system which you would have though would be a costly affair turned our to be the cheapest of all the items purchased (compared to its true value). A dupla 750gram preassurised bottle and reducer came to a measly USD 120,-.. but this my chance due to the fact that a shop was closing down. Same with the cabinet.. 50,- bucks used. Brand new Ehaim Pro 2222 including filter media with some hagling came to USD140,-! Lamp.. china made 2 x T5's with aquamedic plant grow tubes, USD 40,-. However the aquarium was specially made.. so price USD 350,- ..all in all not bad. however on a total basis and after all the bits and bobs (gravel, plants, ferts lily pipes etc..) I'd say the whole settup put be back some USD 900,-
Since 22nd Jan 2011
Carbon. The molecular backbone of all living things. Insufficient light does not cause poor plant growth. Plants that receive low light and some CO2 will generally do better than plants receiving good light and low levels of CO2. I have tested this in my small 12 litre aquarium and it seems so. Using a PH to Kh table will let you balance your CO2 by using a tester. But excessive use of CO2 can also bottom out your PH and suffocate your fish. I turn my CO2 off at night so I dont get excess build up of CO2. You can alternatively use bicarbonate to level you PH if needed, or do a water change.
I started up with CO2 (2-3 bubbels/Minute) from day 2 and added liquidcarbon (use carefully- If over dosed slightly it can kill off your fish!). You could best therefore dilute into a litre of the aquarium water prior to release into the main body of water.
Nutrients. Tropica Plant nutrition with N&P and Easylife Easycarbo. All doses are reduced to almost half of the requirement in the first weeks of startup. Lighting for only a few hours (4hrs) per day for the first week. Then gradually increase to 8 hours+. Then gradually increase carefully to the appropriate levels of nutrients.
Lighting. It drives your plants metabolisms. Compact fluorescent T5 lighting is becomming the norm of aquarium lighting. It offers an efficient and affordable lighting and getting more popular as they are getting cheaper and cheaper to buy as most are made in China etc.. T5 High Output tubes with the correct spectrum, burn brighter and more intense then regular Compact Fluorescents. The T5's High Output bulbs can penetrate deeper where regular Compact Fluorescents could not. In a planted aquarium this aspect is very important when you’re trying to grow a compact foreground of lets say Glossostigma Elatinoides. To much light can also trigger your plants into overdrive and therefore will require more fertilizers and CO2. You will also most likely struggle to find the right ballance. Slower growth I believe will make a better aquascape and keep trimming to a minimal. When it comes to the color spectrum or kelvin. I say go with whatever looks good to you.
Filtration. Filtration is important. Both mechanical (for debris), chemical (harmful molecues) and biological(amonia and Nitrate). But a heavily planted tank usually takes care of the amonia and nitrates also hence why we add these two elements for nutrition. Your plants are also your filter. However circulation is also important because circulation helps distribute nutrients to the plants and the water movement stimulates growth and strength.
Day 2 |
So far - None, but I'm sure there will be down the road soon.
Some degree of algae is bound to build up. But I will challenge it.
Well well. Today I have experienced some green water algae. So they
have taken over. I am presently dealing with it and should find the solution..
Could be an Amonia spike.
Well well. Today I have experienced some green water algae. So they
have taken over. I am presently dealing with it and should find the solution..
Could be an Amonia spike.
Pilkington Optiwhite glass in 6mm measures 60x36x30.
Ordered from Majornas Glas Gothenburg, Sweden. (thanks MG, Great work)
I chose this glass for true colour and maximum light transmission.
2 x 24 T5 Aqua Medic Plant Grow tubes.
Dupla CO2 with Aquili regulator and deffuser. Dropcheck will be applied later.
AN Fertisoil
Easylife Easycarbo
Okho stones
1/3 to 1/2 water change per week.
Window cleaning.
Ehem Pro 2222 filter clean every 3-4 months
Anubias Barteri 'Nana'
Blyxa Aubertii
Glossostigma Elatinoides
Hemianthus Micranthemoides
Myriophyllum Mezianum
Alternanthera Reineckii (Purple)
Hyphessobrycon Pulchipinnis
Day 3 |
3 weeks |
![]() |
6 Weeks and a few more plants |
7 Weeks and you can almost see the green algea (microalgea) building up in the water. |
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